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Yes, we deliver worldwide, shipping is charged extra. International shipping is available for all except puja items and fragile items. Customer do not have to pay import duties levied by their government to Shuvautsav but will have to pay the customs duty to the courier provider in order to receive the product.
Categories allowed for International deliveries:
Fashion items, Cultural clothing, Imitation jewelry, accessories, utensils
Categories not allowed for International deliveries:
Puja items, Perishable items, Wet items, Items containing alcohols, Animals and animal products, Plants and seeds
Delivery Time: 15 -18 business days for general items/ unstitched /semi stitched
22 - 28 business days for stitched
Shipping charges may be different because of weight and locations. Please contact to us for the payment process.
Open package or broken product seal may happen due to some Custom checking or any other Country specific rules. Please check whether your ordered items are intact and safe.
If not, please mention the same on the delivery acknowledgement copy, if any and also get in touch with our Customer service team at the earliest. We shall be more than happy to assist you in the best possible manner.
As of now the payment option is Bank Transfer.
Bank Details: Account Name: Shuva Utsav Online Trade Pvt. Ltd.
Account Number: 0130100000502201
Bank Name: Citizens Bank International Limited
Branch Name: Thahiti Branch
Swift Code: CTZNNPKA
Please contact us at:
Email us at: support@shuvautsav.com
Call us at: +977 9861 807 143 - Viber or WhatsApp
Reach us at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShuvaUtsav
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shuvautsav/